Ranka Joyce Relationship Counselling

Currently I am only taking bookings for individual client sessions

Helping You Love
and be Loved

Sign up for my 5-part free video series “Transform Relationship Conflict and Distance into Harmony and Connection”

Ground Control to My Tween/Teen:
“I Don’t Know What Planet You’re on Any More.”

Free Workshop for Parents

Decode Your Child’s Behaviour and Get Closer to Your Child

Are you worn out trying to figure out what is happening in your child’s head?

Are you worried about the sudden changes in your child’s mood or behaviour?

Perhaps you’re perplexed about how fragile your child’s sense of self is – how he can upset by something anyone says in a millisecond?

Adolescence is a time of dramatic physical, psychological, and social changes. It’s a time of discovery, a time of separation, a time of becoming more independent from you as a parent and becoming more intensely dependent on the peer group.

Your adolescent is trying out new identities. There can be endless emotional storms. You may feel frustrated and helpless at times and your teen may feel utterly lost.

If some of the above sound familiar, this workshop could be what you need.

This workshop will:

  • Dispel the top 3 myths about adolescence that cause parents to misunderstand their teen’s unusual but normal behaviors during adolescence.
  • Show how changes in neurological developmental affect your adolescent’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
  • Uncover the purpose of adolescent brain changes, which prepare children for adult life.
  • Discover what to do about these normal neurological changes, so you can better connect to your child and better navigate the storm of adolescence.

This talk is based on the books, The Teenage Brain” by Frances E. Jensen, MD with Amy Ellis Nutt (2015) and “Brainstorm” by Daniel J. Siegel, MD (2014).

Here is what past participants of this free workshop have to say:

“Ranka is very open, grounded, engaged and her message is very clear. This workshop opened my eyes to my failings, rather that blaming my children.”

“Ranka is real, engaging and engages with the group really well. It was great to have a refresher on how the brain works and how important is to self reflect, instead of just react.”

“Ranka is a wonderful, down to earth presenter! It was really good to be reminded of parenting strategies.”

“Ranka is lovely, calm and warm. This workshop was very informative and thought provoking, it taught me to listen without judgement and self-reflect.”